This girl has been giving me green light for almost a year now. I am not currently ready to venture into a relationship. This girl keeps on pushing even though I have told her I’m not ready for any form of relationship right now. I want to focus and develop myself first.

I like this girl but I don’t love her. She is nice, decent and in her early 20’s. She has never had had any form of romantic affair with any guy. She’s is this kind of churchy girl.

With me, this girl has broken her boundaries. She had promised herself never to sleep in a guys house which she had always maintained until of recent when she visited me and I cajoled her to stay which she succumbed to. At the long run, I caress her and we had a deep kiss, her first kiss.

She promised herself until after her wedding b4 she will have sex which she always emphasize on. The way things are going, I can scope her and chop her fresh coochie only on the basis of love which I know it’s a lie. On the other hand, I don’t want to hurt her cos she’s a nice girl. I have never spent on her, otherwise is the case. She brings food for me sometimes 😁

Guess what, this girl come dey ask me one mumu question

”What are we. Do you really love me ”

I just gave her the answer that will put a smile on her face….
After that we put off the light and we started jangilova.

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