Let me share this testimony with you.
When we got the license to operate Covenant University, everybody was excited. Was I? I’m not sure. Because I asked the Lord, “Lord, tell me if it’s not your university, I’m not interested.” I’m not going to school anymore. And I heard Him say, “It is I.”

“It is I” meant a lot. He said that February 12, 2002. We started clearing the ground for the university March 6. By the hand of God, October 21, 1,500 students resumed. On campus. Two halls of residence. One for male, one for female. All the buildings were ready. There was no lecture outside the facility. The library, everything, was in place in seven months. How many months? And there were no bungalows. They were not. Let’s do something first and do something later. Within seven months. Within seven months, He did everything by His hand. “It is I.”

Now wait a minute. The day we dedicated, He said to me, “Now hand it over to me. Now come and see the hand of God.” I said, “How do I hand it over to you?” He said, “Lay down flat on this floor before me”. So I laid flat before Him, before all the students, their parents, and, you know, church leaders and everybody. I was the maddest person there. I laid down before Him, and He took it over. Now, in 15 years, watch. Covenant University is today listed among the elite group of universities, which is only 1,002 in the world.

Out of 29,000 universities in the world, Covenant has jumped to the 1,000 realm. The hand of God in 15 years. Now, listen, I’m talking about Oxford. I’m talking about Harvard. I’m talking about Yale. I’m talking about that group of elite universities in 15 years. Watch it. The hand of God that engenders speed is coming on your life.