In a warm felicitation, A loyalist, Comrd Segun Amubieya popularly known as ‘Segun Area’, Has extended his congratulations to a political juggernaut, Hon Olajide Akintunde AKT on the auspicious occasion of his birthday.

He expressed hope that the good Lord would continue to bless the lawmaker representing Lagelu State Constituency with many more years of excellent health and sound mind, concluding with wishes for the divine fulfillment of Double’s heart’s desires, and the rewarding of his labor of love.

He quoted to have said- “As you celebrate this milestone, my sincere prayer is that Almighty God blesses you with long life, good health, and ever-increasing success.
“I celebrate you, sir. May you continue to live long in good health, more strength, and wisdom. Happy Birthday, sir.” He concluded