Congratulations to the newly appointed Chief of Staff, Mr. Olubiyi Opeyemi Rasheed and Personal Aids to Hon. Kamorudeen Mudasiru the Executive Chairman of Lagelu local government; Mr. Abass Adeyemo, Personal Assistant, Mr. Ishola Ridwan I.SHOW, Domestic Assistant and Mr. Ridwan Salawu, Official Photographer.

“I extend my warmest felicitations to you on your well-deserved appointments.
“As the Leader of Lagelu local government legislative arm, I charge you to use your expertise and experience to drive progress and development in our local government. Work tirelessly to improve the lives of our citizens, enhance good governance, and uphold the highest standards of public service.

“May your appointments mark the beginning of a new era of growth, collaboration, and prosperity for our local government. I offer my full support and cooperation in our shared quest for excellence.
“Once again, congratulations on your appointments. I wish you wisdom, strength, and success in your new roles”.