Lagelu local government Ward 14 elected councilor, Hon Alamu Tawa Omolara pens an heartfelt appreciation message to the residents of Sagbe pabiekun and the electorates of ward 14 for their support during electioneering period.
She reiterated and reaffirmed her commitment to make a better change and an enabling environment for businesses to thrive through a good representation at the legislative arm of the local council.
“I know that we can accomplish great things. During these uncertain times, my highest commitment is to be your bipartisan voice in the representative so that we can achieve our shared goals.
Our community is one that has been built by our compassion toward each other, our commitment to decency, and our faith in our neighbors;
I’m seizing this medium to appreciate our political leaders and stakeholders for believing and supporting my political ambition. I appreciate it and don’t take it for granted; She said